Common Biohazards You May Find At Home

Biohazard Cleanup in Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, FL, Fort Walton Beach and Surrounding Areas

A home is where you feel safe and share love with your family and friends.  Although your home is supposed to be the safest place for you, we can expose ourselves to harm, infection, and diseases if we fail to perform due diligence.

To live a healthy life and safeguard our loved ones from danger, it is crucial to identify common biohazards that you may find in your most comfortable.


Mold is one of the most common biohazards you will find in homes. Many people erroneously believe they are harmless and feel they do cosmetic damage to walls and furniture. On the contrary, mold is very harmful to health.  There are several types of mold you can find in homes, and all have adverse effects on the body.

Mold spores can be as small as 0.3 microns, meaning they are invisible to the naked eye. They can trigger asthma, wheezing, allergies, and running nose and reduce your quality of life. If you have mold in your home, we strongly recommend you get biohazard remediation in Florida.


Not much needs to be said about sharp objects.  Contaminated or unsanitized shard objects can introduce harmful pathogens into one bloodstream if not handled carefully. They should be stored properly out of the reach of children and pets. These include knives, blades, broken glass, or any object with a sharp edge or point.


Sewage refers to urine and fecal matter. Your home could be contaminated by sewage through a burst sewage pipe or faulty plumbing. In any case, you should take the situation lightly.


Solid waste should also be treated as biohazards. They can become a festering ground for all sorts of pathogens. All members of the home, especially children, should be taught the importance of hygiene when dealing with solid wastes.


Pathological waste refers to substances of human or animal origin. These include blood, feces, tissue, and organs. Pathological waste could arise from a simple cut or the sad death of a person in your home. It can be very challenging to remove pathological waste from some surfaces.

If not done right, the area with such waste can expose you to bacteria, viruses, and other blood-borne pathogens such as HIV and hepatitis. We recommend you call professionals when a large volume of pathological wastes is involved- For this, you will need a company that provides biohazard remediation homicide-suicide unattended death cleanup services in Gulf Breeze, Florida.

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